February 5, 2009

Welcome to the Jungle!

My two-year-olds made tigers today. The green grass showcases their experiment with scissors today, and they did quite well. I am so proud of them! We need to work on our stripes, but they finger painted. It must have been too much stimulation for them...

I went shopping in Chicago. I bought this cherry print blouse, among other blouses, and one skirt of course.

Old habits are hard to die... 
It was the perfect blouse to wear to a fabulous lunch at Fiesta Fruit #5

(P.S... They have Cafe de Olla)

After lunch, a nice stroll through my city.
Every surface is a canvas:

The concrete jungle?

John F. Kennedy Memorial, 
by Philip Johnson.

One lump, or two?

Geometric detail..
Dot, circle, dot, circle, dot dot dot...

The Magnolia Hotel, I'd never noticed the bridge before.

Check out the detail on this building, specifically the 4 faces...

My new face...

I've settled into not wearing skirts everyday... 
I'm happy.

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