February 16, 2009

Valentine File

This weekend was a 3-day Valentine's celebration with my all of my sweet kiddos and friends. It was special in so many ways...

Skirt 34 at my two-year-old's first Valentine's party.

I gave rainbow makers to all my Valentines this year...
These now hang in my classroom(s), and other places I think are special. Anytime rainbows happen, it's special.

I got flowers, lots of chocolate, lots of Play-doh and rocks:

Did you see how many rocks my kids gave me???

Our school party was great! We had ice cream sundaes with red, pink and purple Valentine sprinkles.

And, we tried this cute idea that I got off Bakerella, a great baking blog. These little heart cakes were fun and easy to make, but not as special as a homemade treat. It' been a while since I've baked a sweet treat...

We cut the hearts out of Cakesters. FYI, Oreo Cakesters taste SO MUCH BETTER than the Nilla Cakesters. 

Viola! and so Yummy!
Check out Bakerella for better pictures and instructions.

This is the book I read to my kiddos at story time:

Which inspired a cheese-y valentine I made...

'cause I just can't help myself.

My new skirt with RE's leg.

It was a gift from my friend Molly, just because... - my favorite kind of gift. This was my first time to wear it and I love it; it's so frilly and fun!

Two skirts chatting it up...

Dang, she's so tall!
In the words of Robert Palmer, "Simply Irresistible!"

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