February 17, 2009

Puppets & Muppets

We made paper sack monkeys today. We're studying jungle animals with my twos. I did some prep work for this:
I cut the feet, hands, tails and faces.
BUT, my kids learned how to glue as you can see by the mess below:

And they drew their own faces...

A conversation with a two year old:

Me: What's your monkey's name?
Two-Year-Old: Ooo-Ooo, Aah-Aah

Tomorrow we're starting our big zebra puppets with my threes. We're studying Africa. I traced 18 of these big boys today... It only took me an hour.

I've been thinking a lot about Muppets lately, don't ask... Anyway, I used to LOVE the Muppet Show, but used to be so afraid to be in the dark after watching the show.
I blame these guys:

Statler and Waldorf. 

Of course I used to love this guy:

From my school days in Vallarta last year.  I can draw a mean Kermit! (By mean I mean, damn good, not mean.)

And my favorite female was NOT Miss Piggy, she was not nice! 
I loved Janice!

She's so cool...

So, I've been thinking about what I would look like if I were a Muppet. I think I would be pink, I'm working on a sketch right now. But, yesterday I came across this site on FAO Schwarz: 
The Muppet Whatnot Workshop. They make custom Muppets!
So, I decided to play around with it...
I like this one 'cause she's wearing a skirt.
She's cool, but I don't like my color combo and my hair is CURLY and black, and they don't give you that option. Oh well, back to the drawing board...

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