February 3, 2009

Back to Work...

We started our unit on China today. 
My Chinatown purchases were a hit!

A future accountant with her abacus.

Here are some examples of the projects we did today; a panda mask, (that's my example in the middle) and a Year of the Ox handprint painting.

This is from Activity Village, a great website from the UK. It was very easy to do and turned out so cute!

Some panda masks...

This one looks more like a cow.

Moo! Kind of makes me hungry for Chick-fil-A. 

It's PARTY time!

Did you know that Hello Kitty has no mouth?

That's why she is such a great friend. When you're happy, she's happy; and when you're sad, she's sad. The funny part of this riddle is asking two-year-olds where Hello Kitty's mouth is. It provides about two minutes of fun entertainment...

Later that day at F is for Frank design studio...

This machine makes molds for casts, but it looks like a robot to me.
"The year 2000, the year 2000."

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