January 5, 2009

Morning Musings...

It's back to work today, and there's plenty to do. I set a lofty goal for myself, not to buy anything new in the new year. I set some other goals, but as I heard those around me confidently declare this year's destiny, I just kept my mouth shut. I've been down that road before, and what I've learned is that things never work out as planned. This may sound cliche, but they work out for the best, often better than what we planned for ourselves.

I have to remember that. That, and to take things day by day, after all that's all we have at any given time. So, even though I'm swarmed with things TO DO, things I want to accomplish, and my list keeps growing and growing, I'll just plan to show up and get it done.

In the image and iconography of my great friend, and fellow Cappie, The King, Elvis Presley:

TCB baby!

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