January 19, 2009

BB continues

This time BB = Boots and Bowling.

Last night, my friends and I had an impromptu bowling session at a private alley under a building downtown. It was dank and dark on the way down, but lo and behold...

Like a beacon in the night! BOWL!

Did I mention I got a new skirt?

I didn't buy it this year, I'm still holding true to my resolution, but I did buy it on the last day of 2008. It's vintage, from Dolly Python and is Indian (I think). It has a deer print on it. Even though, I think deer are over rated and over done, my skirt is WAY fun and comfy. It's great to throw on and troll around in, and bowl in. I improved my score, from a 46 to a 55 and a 71. 
And to prove it...

One pin down.

and then the rest...

My arms are sore today...

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