December 9, 2008

Weekend Warrior Skirt

Hola! It's already Tuesday and the Holiday season is in full swing. I had a great weekend filled with friends, dining out, art openings, baking and S H O P P I N G ! (I'm still on a shoppers high, but more about that later.)

Poinsettia cupcakes!

The Perfect dessert for Pasta and Pesto Party with the Pink Sox!

At Artspace111 for the show Digital Divide...

I LOVE the skirt I'm standing next to, it's Taylor's! My skirt is new, but this is the first opportunity I had to wear it. It's from the Gap, this fall. I bought it with a coupon I had, because Gap Corp. can't get enough of my money...

T A Y L O R !

I love Taylor, I love this work of art, and I love this skirt!
Taylor always looks fantastic, but this skirt is a work of art. The pleats at the top are impeccably placed for an origami kind of look. (Which gives me a great idea...) The cinched waist with the belt is a nice touch and all Taylor. She's fun and fabulous, and such a dear friend!

ART by Lily Hanson. She's fabulous too!

Next up: I went to an AMAZING ESTATE sale this weekend. Details and pics of some of my treasures will be uploaded later. On a related note, this is the book I'm reading now recommended by my friend Shannnon...

The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World by A. J. Jacobs. It didn't get that great of a review from the NYT, but still... I like this idea and his spirit.

Read an essay I wrote here.
Happy Tuesday!

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