July 7, 2008

Guilty Skirt

I haven't wavered. I'm still here, and I've been wearing my skirts. Things have been a little touch and go in many aspects of my life. But, the longer I stay away from Skirt Project, the guiltier I feel, and I can't take the guilt! That's one feeling that I can definitely do without.

Today's skirt is guilty and sorry for straying... but here are some pics to share.

I bought a new skirt the other day at Banana. I couldn't help it! It was on sale, I needed a little retail therapy and it has poppies on it! Poppies are beautiful delicate flowers and remind me of Steph in Connecticut.

On the road again... this time to Fort Worth

At the Fort Worth Modern to check out the Kara Walker retrospective.

Does this remind you of Kara's work?

Oh Happy Fourth!

Hoo-ray for chocolate labs named Hershey, salt water pools, BBQ, fajitas, and Levi® mini skirts!

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