May 16, 2008

Skirt 9

Guess what? I couldn't find it! I must have gotten rid of it, which makes me laugh. I do need to clean out my closet... I didn't wear a skirt, instead I wore shorts. I used to rock tailored shorts before I switched to skirts last spring. Anyway, this is ok because my friend Genevieve met me out last night, wearing a fantastic skirt. She looked absolutely adorable and all of her pieces were from second hand stores here in Dallas.

Genevieve, you are my precious friend, and you must share your thrifting secrets with me!!!

Ok. About last night...
I saw the On Kawara exhibition at the Dallas Museum of Art which opens Sunday. On Kawara has been creating art for the past 4 decades revolving around his daily activities: who he met, what time he got up, what he read, etc. It's definitely worth exploring if you like collecting things, or even if you think anything you do in life can be art... Which it can be. My skirts are.

What's art in your life?

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