April 16, 2008

Skirt 25, 4 weeks later...

Can't help but wonder what it is that I want to do with my life? Besides what I'm doing everyday, I have to make a living. Thankfully there are people all around me to inspire and fuel my imagination.

"I want to blog for my career." A revelation at my local Starbucks...

Snider Plaza in Dallas.

Check out these teeny-tiny adorable skirts from the Gypsy Wagon! This has to be the cutest boutique in Dallas!

And right next door...
Sexy and modern at Again & Again.


My afternoon snack at Wild About Harry's; a Chicago Dog.

At the Apple store, making a contribution to the economy.

What did I buy?

Later that night, Feist at the Palladium Room. Such a mellow show, but I'm not complaining.
"Do you feel it Dallas?"

Skirt 25 today... I've been home now 4 weeks. It's all good, it's all good.

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