March 12, 2008

7 days in Skirt 6

I was moved to tears when I went to teach nursery today. They made me a Good Luck / I Love You card. Then they made me laugh when they started to say Happy Birthday.

Jenn and I spent the afternoon in Pitillal, or Pity-City as I affectionately refer to it. I went to one of my student’s home to see his model city of the Zocalo in Mexico City.

Guy’s bird Fancy.

In Pitillal…
What’s over that hill?

Oh, just another hill…

PiƱa Coladas, Bossa Nova and sunsets... there’s not too much time left for this.

I love Skirt 6, but I didn't in the beginning... Even though I bought this skirt before I ever had an inkling or desire to move to Mexico, it will always remind me of Puerto Vallarta.

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