February 20, 2008


I did it!!!
Words can't describe how I feel inside. Yesterday was one of the best days that I have had in a LONG time!

Through the non-profit organization P.E.A.C.E., I went to Punta Mita to teach a few women how to sew simple wrap-around skirts.
First, we took some measurements. These skirts are custom made!

Angelica is measuring Dalia's belly. She is expecting, it's a boy, due May 25.

Next, comes the hard part... math.

It was tough to explain, but we managed. We took our measurements and created a trapezoid for our skirt pattern. One observer commented, "It's like building a house!"

Selecting our fabric...
On my last trip back home, I brought 52 lbs of fabric with me which were generously donated by my cousin. I found this fun print at a little shop that sells remnants of fabrics. It's this little hole in the wall on the way to Pitillal, and the walls are stacked tall of folded fabrics. I forgot my camera the day that I went, otherwise it would have made a GREAT skirt shot.

Cutting our fabric
For this pattern you need three trapezoids.

Manos de Mujeres hard at work.

One of the completed skirts.

This is Lucy. She is a teacher at the school we worked at.

Angelica's skirt...

The end?

I hope not!

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