February 25, 2008

Equine Adventure in Quimixto


This past weekend, Skirt 21 and I visited Quimixto. I went horseback riding to see the famous waterfalls. Quimixto is a remote fishing village south of Vallarta, it's easily accessed by boat, so off we went on a boat tour.

The boat: The Sarape.

We were supposed to whale watch too. I did see some whales and even saw them breech and flap their fins out of the water, but I wasn't able to capture that in photos... oh whale. It was incredible!

Mi ciudad: Puerto Vallarta

Los Arcos...

In Quimixto...
Yay! I'm on a horse! I haven't done this since I was 9!

Meet Chispa... or Colorado.

The owner told me two names for my horse, but when I first asked what his name was he told me #59... I'll call him Chispa, which means "spark".

My view from up top. Hang on!!!

Thank goodness Chispa knows the way.

At the waterfall...

Is this it?

Ahhhh... this is more like it.

Trying to capture Skirt 24 on a horse...

Car shots are easier...

The view on the ride back.
(Note the view of the ocean in the distance.)

Free as a bird...

pretty much sums up how I'm feelin' these days.

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