February 4, 2008

check-up day

I'm in Dallas for a quick trip. Actually, I had a doctor's appointment. No skirt today, but I feel compelled to write.

Six years ago to the day, I had my right ovary removed. Three weeks later I started chemotherapy. So here we are, exactly six years later...
I'm healthy, happy, uncertain about a lot of things, but I'm taking chances; figuring some stuff out.

And as the great Pam says, "life is fragile, death is certain."

Life is never what you expect it to be... it's what you make it.


  1. You are cool, my friend. Way cool. :), Adina

  2. You are cool, my friend. Way cool. :), Adina

  3. so how did the check-up go?!

    Very jealous of your 85 degree weather down there, lately.
    I'm cold. I had a dream recently in which I kept altering my outfit to warmer weather clothes - taking off layers. Trading socks and boots for flip-flops. etc.
    ahhhh spring will be here soon.
    Then summer.
    Then we do it all again.

    Email me an update.
    talk to you soon
