January 12, 2008

Pitillal & some things I ♥ about Mexico

There are some really great things that I love about Mexico.
Here a just a few great moments from yesterday:

1) Love notes from my students:

2) Teeny-tiny skirts, singing and dancing:

Their song went like this: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ! They sang at the top of their lungs of course!

3) Escaping with friends to Pitillal:

Pitillal is a nearby town; any green bus will take you there. There is a town square with inexpensive shops all around. Many locals come to Pitillal to do their shopping here because the prices are so great. It's very Mexican and not so touristy.

4) Funny stuff:

Need a baby Jesus? How about an aquarium? Or both?

5) Inexpensive shopping:

This store sells skirts AND tacky cock fighting shirts...
Coming soon, the Cock Fighting Shirt Skirt!

6) Enjoying a beer and watching the sunset from a rooftop restaurant in Pitillal.

Pitillal: where I had the best guacamole, found 3 peso Virgin Mary earrings, and tasted the worst cotton candy I have ever had in my life!

I ♥ Mexico

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