November 20, 2007

Another New One

I'm pretty excited to wear today's skirt. Actually, I'm just pretty excited! Anyway, today's skirt is new, another gift from Pam. It's white A-line with black piping at the bottom and a big black flower on the front. I wasn't able to zip it up a few months ago, it fits perfectly now... It's going to be a short week at school. Today is my only full day, and tomorrow I go home! Yippee!

On the bus... wherever the day takes you.

I got so many compliments on my skirt today! Thanks Pam!

I had a pretty inspiring day today with lots of art making.

Kindergarten cut and torn paper collage self-portraits.
This is Jorge's self portrait. He is getting an award next week for following directions. Yay Jorge!
In AP (my advanced class) we are working on a major project incorporating a crane of some kind. One of my students brought her work today and it's going to be amazing. It's a cut glass origami crane. Her parents are artists and own a glass gallery called Galeria Em near the Marina. I've been wanting to check it out, so I went with her after school to her parent's workshop.

The following pictures and video clips are for my kids tomorrow, as the trip inspired a teachable moment.

Skirt and colored sheets of glass


Soldering iron


This looks like a candy shop to me!
Do you see the crane by the yogurt cup?

Putting the puzzle together...

Video 1: buffin'
You may get vertigo watching this video...

Video 2: wrapin'

La tortuga - "Mom's (Estela's) masterpiece"

Mariano's work

Outside the Marina, you can't miss it.

I've got a whale of an idea...

Thanks for the tour Jimena!

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