October 6, 2007

Tacon de Marlin Skirt

TGIF! and I fianlly got a copy of Bay Vallarta, a great bilingual magazine that comes out bi-weekly. It lists all kinds of stuff to do and places to go in English and Spanish. I ♥ it! Bay Vallarta mentioned a few places to check out, so we headed to Tacon de Marlin "a local institution." I thought it was pretty tasty. I had the Marlin and Shrimp burrito. Yum!

No, this is not the Rio del Cuale, I'm trying to cross the street in the rain.
BTW, I'm wearing Skirt 24, the skirt I met my love in, and also a guayabera para mujeres. I always liked my dad's collection.

On the way home, we walked along the beach. It's pretty cobbel -y in this part, mainly because of Hurricane Kenna that hit in 2003.

Check out this catch of the day.

Cute little booger, isn't he?

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