July 17, 2007

Skirt 57

I got a late start on today's skirt. It's almost 5 pm!

Look what flew on me this morning... A little ladybug! Isn't this supposed to be good luck?

I'm wearing my flamenco skirt today. It's long, full, black linen, with a sexy slit over the left knee. It's got this great ruffle around the bottom, which looks lovely when I walk. Too bad I quit taking lessons...

I don't have many long skirts, this is one of three actually... I bought it in Los Angeles on sale at Anthropologie in 2002 when I went to visit my friend Stephanie. That was a celebratory trip, because I had just gone into remission and was about to start a new job.
Steph now lives in Portland, Oregon, and I'll be seeing her next week five years later...

5 years later...

I am still in remission, actually now that it's been five years, my cancer is considered cured.
I am about to start a new job. (Another teaching job!)
I am moving to Mexico.
Steph is a rockstar.

At Two Sisters today for lunch...

One of the tiles on the mosaic wall behind me says:
"If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!"
Katie Pell says:
"If you can't take the heat, quit your bitchen!"

Later that afternoon: Happy Hour at the Gingerman.
Except I wasn't all that happy, just tired. It's been a long day. I interviewed my replacements... Hope we find the right candidate.
It was free glass night, so I drank Murphy's Amber. What am I going to do with this thing?

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