July 4, 2007

Skirt 48

Happy 4th! I love July 4th because I love hotdogs and fireworks! What could be better? I know...
How about a day without rain?

Today's skirt is recycled. I've actually worn it already, Skirt 37, but I have NEVER worn it the way that I am wearing it today. I am wearing my wrap around with the other side showing. It was actually hard to wrap this morning, because of the placement of the holes for the ties. I had to finagle it so that the front panel I wanted to reveal is showing.

When I first bought this skirt two years ago, I didn't like this side, because the fabrics used look so old lady~ish, but they really are quite lovely together. Not your traditional red, white and blue fare that I have seen all over this morning, but what's traditional about US anyway? Just like the fabric of my skirt we are all different, so let's celebrate!
I am! With red, white and blue lasagna, and maybe some fireworks. ;-)


Look! An aubergine!
At Central Market, about to get stuck in the maze on a mission to buy wine and bread.

Hmmm.... Maybe I'll buy some flowers, maybe a plant...

Twice in one week! Another flat tire... this time it was my mom's car.

Later that night with my good friends, I was able to see fireworks from the swing set at the park. I got so high, it was kind of scary... My skirt ripped in two places, which I'm totally bummed about. It's repairable, but who knows when that will happen. That's the thing with skirts made of antique fabrics, they don't last forever.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing says America like Chinese fireworks to the music of a Russian composer!

