May 14, 2007

What I learned this weekend...

History of the skirt.

I wore jeans, the zipper broke. Tore right off! Maybe I should stick to skirts on the weekend...

My friend in Michigan sent a Skirt Project submission...

"Here is a picture of my favorite skirt!!! I bought it at Target 2 weeks ago, and I love it because it has pockets! Possibly the best skirt ever!"

I may have to disagree with you Shanny, but it sure is cute!

P.S. Love the pockets.

1 comment:

  1. Now this could be interesting. Calling for submissions is a great way to create a participatory space. Takes this to another interactive level by bringing in others' stories.

    I really love the fact that we never see faces since the skirts are the characters.

    Great work!
