May 6, 2007

5 skirts down... 55 more to go.

Whew! Week one is done! By this point I had hoped to set some sort of schedule or formula for Skirt Project. I think it's best if it just evolves, or flows into whatever skirt shape it's supposed to be. Based on this first week, here's what I've come up with so far:

Skirt Standards

1. The most current posts will be posted on the top.

2. Skirts are worn Monday through Friday.
(Professionally, these are the days I dress for others anyway.)

3. While I like the car shot, I'm not sure if it will be a standard shot.

4. Locations of the skirt are not planned, but occur in the daily existence of the skirt wearer.
5. I rely on the kindness of others for some of my skirt shots.

I realize 60 skirts is excessive, but maybe this project is the reason I held on to these skirts? It's been an amazing first week. I've met some great people so far and it's only week one! Thanks to everyone who's been there.

1 comment:

  1. The big question is: are you permitted to buy more skirts during the project? That's an entire summer without skirt purchases.

    Also, I am going to add this to the list of reasons I adore you and will lament the fact that I'll be internetless during much of this adventure.
